present project is an analysis detailed and extensive of the design and
implementation of a System of Enterprise
Academic Businesses.
system, is an electronic weave that allows to manage the human resources of a
horizontal form, this is without hierarchies. The base of the organization
conforms mainly academic and students of the UTEM, as well as of other
universities and companies. The interrelation and interaction of the subjects
take place through its areas of specialty to develop enterprise academic
projects and to give solution to requirements of the external public in that we
well know as University Venture Neural Network (UVN2).
operating system consists of two modules that are detailed as it follows:
1. First
constitutes a bank of professionals, constituted by the members of the Neural
Network. This one is operative and reasonable through a link in the web site of
the Public Home of the CIBERUTEM (http://www.ciberutem.com)[1].
The main objective of the system is to find to the specialists adapted for the
accomplishment and implementation of certain projects in the bank of
professionals. These specialists will be filtered by the system, according to
criteria such as: subject which they dominate, specialty, experience that they
have within his professional trajectory, etc. All these singularities are what
we will call criteria of affinity or
criteria of suitable filtration of personnel to design and to implement
inputs of this system, will constitute the interrelations of the members of the
Neural Network and the necessities generated by the projects, that will cause
that the system automatically looks for in the data base the competent
professionals, on the part of the public[2],
reflected in the affinity criteria.
like secondary objective and as a result of the previous thing, the system will
incorporate a database engine publishes for external people to the Neuronal
Network. The objective is that the public has access to the system of bank of
professionals and who they stay registered as external clients to maintain a
close contact with them in order to advise them in the area in which they want
to develop his projects[3].
The access to the information is restricted, since to accede to the information
and/or search of people to make projects, the system requires of the
identification of the external client to the network. In the case that this
external client is not registered, it will have to do it through the filling of
a simple form, which will take step to him to be integral of this external
database. This way the external client, once registered will have access to the
information, that she gives the bank of professionals.
The first successful tests for this module have been made for internal
intentions of the UTEM and within private companies like the Celulosa Arauco in
Licanten, VIII Region - Chile.
2.- Second
constitutes a Relational Data Base (Relational
Data Base Management System) of the Neural Network of the CIBERUTEM, which
this developed in Windows ambient, using as interphase MS-Access 97 for its
design and execution, which is operative in the server of the CIBERUTEM.
relational data base contemplates the information of each one of the members
that belong to this great Network of Enterprise Academic Businesses (curricula
vitae). Also, the system works like a SIA (Administrative Information System)[4] that it takes the control of the advanced training
courses, that like private being (OTEC)[5],
the UTEM administers. In addition, this system has built-in in himself all the
legislation corresponding to the execution of these advanced training courses by
this private being. All this process operates under the norms of the SENCE[6].
Finally, the corporative marketing of the project in an attached Cd-card to the memory is included, in which we called a system partner to partner.
Public Home: That that this constituted by links which any type of user can
Private Home: That to which it has single access the members of the Neural Network.
Public is
understood by members and external clients.
With this it is tried to give a negotiable course to the system.
To see Annexed Nº 1 on Administrative Information systems, for greater
OTEC: Technical organism of Qualification.
SENCE: National service of Qualification and use.