El análisis del Sector Forestal Chileno, comienza con un resumen de su evolución desde comienzos del siglo pasado hasta la actualidad. Continúa definiendo y explicitando la base de recursos naturales renovables que lo sostiene, desde el punto de vista de su composición, su distribución, la sensibilidad hacia cierta normativa legal de incentivos, su tasa de forestación y su disponibilidad futura. Luego, se realiza un análisis a su estructura industrial, haciendo hincapié en la Industria Primaria de acuerdo a la definición ya expuesta. Este análisis comienza con la clasificación Industrial forestal de acuerdo al modelo de Clasificación de Actividades Económicas Forestales (CAEF) del Instituto Forestal y continúa con la forma de abastecer de insumos forestales a la industria, para a continuación realizar un análisis en términos de producción, tecnología utilizada, capacidad instalada, estructura de costos, entre otros aspectos, de las industrias componentes de la Producción Forestal Primaria, que es el sistema que se va a modelar.


Finalmente, en la última parte de este trabajo de titulación, se construye y se aplica el modelo proyectando las variables de interés del sector para el año 2001.


Para la construcción del modelo, primero se efectuaron las etapas de especificación, estimación y validación para cada una de las doce ecuaciones endógenas componentes del sistema. Estas doce ecuaciones una vez validadas y agrupadas en cuatro bloques representantes de cada una de las industrias componentes del sistema, se fusionan en una sola estructura denominada Modelo General de la Producción Forestal Primaria (PFP).


La aplicación del modelo se realiza proyectando las variables de salida del sistema PFP para el año 2001 bajo dos escenarios distintos, y luego comparando los resultados con la evolución histórica de las variaciones observadas del modelo.




The main objective of this graduation work, consisted on building a multi-equations econometric model of the Primary Forest Sector, in particular, of the Primary Forest Production. For it, it was necessary in first instance to be able to define that understood  for Primary Forest Industry. The used approach, it was their definition in the sense that was compound for those industries that used as input the matter it prevails coming from the forests, that is to say, the wooden parts product of the extraction forestry or forest exploitation[5]. According to this approach, the component industries of this primary forest subsector would be the industry of the cellulose, that of the saw, that of boards and foils, that of chips and others[6] that are not considered in the analysis to estimate their contribution as residual inside the total (approximately 2%).


The development of models, in general it is carried out by people's multidisciplinary groups, in which there are experts of the techniques of modeling and simulation and people experts of the system that it will model and later on to simulate. When this it is not the case, and a group of people experts exists of so alone one of the topics, to be able to build the model, they should deepen in the other one, or when the system is modeled for alone a person, this person should necessarily manage both topics with a minimum level that allows him to develop the work satisfactorily, having the solidity of the model and of her predictions direct relationship with the level of depth that is managed of the topics. It is for it that in the first part of this graduation work, a brief review is presented of what is econometrics modeling, in the second part  is carries out an analysis of the Forest Sector and in particular of its Primary Industry, for finally, to develop and to apply the model. 


The chapter related with the modeling and simulation of economic systems, begin with an introduction, definition and a brief historical review of the econometrics, it stops then to classify the econometrics models according to different approaches, to define their composition and to expose a methodology of modeling that begins with the specification, estimate and validation of the models of economic systems and that it finishes with the application of the built model through the simulation or projection of the objective variables of the system. 


The analysis of the Chilean Forest Sector, begins with a summary of its evolution from beginnings of last century until the present time. It continues defining and explaining the base of renewable natural resources that sustains it, from the point of view of their composition, their distribution, the sensibility toward certain normative one legal of incentives, their rate of afforestation and their future readiness. Then, is carried out an analysis to their industrial structure, making stress in the Primary Industry according to the definition already exposed. This analysis begins with the forest Industrial classification according to the pattern of Classification of Forest Economic Activities (CAEF) of the Forest Institute and it continues with the form of supplying from forest inputs to the industry, in order to next to carry out an analysis in production terms, used technology, installed capacity, structure of costs, among other aspects, of the component industries of the Primary Forest Production that it is the system that will model. 


Finally, in the last part of this graduation work, it is built and the model is applied projecting the variables of interest of the sector for the year 2001. 


For the construction of the model, first the specification stages, estimate and validation were made for each one of the twelve equations endogenous components of the system. These twelve equations once validated and contained in four blocks representatives of each one of the component industries of the system, they fuse in a single structure denominated General Model of the Primary Forest Production (PFP). 


The application of the pattern is carried out projecting the variables of exit of the system PFP for the year 2001 first floor two different scenarios, and then comparing the results with the historical evolution of the observed variations of the model.



[1] Disponible en http://www.civ.cl/academico/aedil/proyectos/proyectos_titulo/proyecto_titulo.htm

[2] Vease anexo 4

[3] Entre las que se cuentan la de envases y embalajes y la de polines.

[4] Available in http://www.civ.cl/academico/aedil/proyectos/proyectos_titulo/proyecto_titulo.htm

[5] See you annex 4

[6] Among those that that of containers and packings and that of polines are counted.